NSD BCS / Related Activities
Related Activities   Related to the ND BCS package NSD Teams assure you a complete cycle of services as:
  1. NSD BCS SYSTEM Implementation.
  2. Training & documentation.
  3.  Maintenance & Upgrade.


  1. Offering proven methodologies, advanced software tools, and best practices to get your NSD solution up and running quickly to contribute into your business goals.
  2. Work with the client to develop an implementation strategy focused on his key priorities.
  3. Create an implementation plan that enables you to manage project scope and evaluate progress along the way.
  4.  NSD based implementation methodology.

Training & Documentation

Two types of training are provided by NSD:

  1. Power Users Training .
  2. End Users Training .

The above training is started form your acquisition of the NSD BCS until its completely implemented (GO LIVE),

Concerning the documentation, NSD provides you a detailed end users (System Navigation) manual and a power users customizing manual.

Maintenance & Upgrade

Our Services Maintenance gives the client various options, each designed to keep his NSD BCS SYSTEM solution up and running. These include: NSD Standard Support which includes system performance monitoring, proactive services, and access to NSD experts.


The NSD Point of sale System is designed and developed based on the best business practice; it is an integrated solution grouping the major applications necessary for an easy and preferment management of your enterprise.

 This system is designed for the small and medium enterprises,

 It includes the following applications:

  1. HR (Human Resources)
  2. MM (Material Management)
  3. SD (Sales and Distribution)
  4. FI (Financial Accounting)
  5. PM (Project Management)

Also,  we are pleased to mention hereunder some specifics functionalities:

  1. NSD POS System is an exchanger system: this functionality allows you to stay in touch through your local Intranet that includes Emails system allowing you to create your email box and to customize its capacity in terms of attached document.Also, this functionality allows you to stay in touch (ONLINE) with all your stores and sales points and cashiers, all of these , online - messages, can be customized on line that allows you to inform your customers or cashiers immediately when you want.
  2. NSD POS System is an alert system, this fundamental functionality is very appreciated, especially, when you need to be alert by any new events or messages or even any customized warning.
  3. NSD POS System includes a Business Approve Process which means that, any movement or change in terms of Human Resources as well as the Material Management process or the sales Pricing or any other process which needs to be approved by the management, any of these, can be customized and included on the chain of the approving system , in this case your management office has the control of all business process.
  4. NSD POS System is a Multi - language System, the standard version exists in Arabic and English, for any other language, the system is build in order to allow us to add any other language.
  5. NSD POS System is a customizing system, even in terms of the user interface, each user can individually customize its own interface in terms of appearance  - Colors and font.
  6. With NSD POS System, you have the possibility to create an ESSP (Employees Self Services Point )  which allows all of your employees to be connected through this point into the system.
  7. NSD POS System includes a manager desktop which means that, as a manager, you can customize your own interface by choosing the main applications or functionalities which constitute the essential tasks corresponding to your job.

To get more information about the NSD POS SYSTEM, or even for a demo, please, do not hesitate to contact us at