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An alphabetical listing of General terms and items. |
A body mass index of 30 or greater (See Weight Management).
Latin = barrier; hence, the coronal fold of ependyma over the lower angle of the 4th ventricle.
Adjective, Latin obliquus; slanting, or deviating from the perpendicular or the horizontal.
Latin oblongus = oblong; medulla oblongata.
Latin obturatus = stopped up; hence, a structure which closes a hole.
Latin ob = prominent (cf. obvious), and caput = head; hence, the prominent convexity of the back of the head; adjective - occipital.
Latin occlusum = closed up; hence, apposition of reciprocal teeth, or the blocking of any tubular structure; adjective - occlusal.
Latin oculus = eye, and movere = to move, hence, pertaining to moving the eye.
Latin = eye.
Greek odous = tooth, and eidos = form, shape, hence, tooth-like.
Greek = gullet (passage from pharynx to stomach); adjective - oesophageal.
Use of an FDA-approved drug for an indication other than that for which it was approved.
Overhydration represents the excess fluid (fluid overload) stored almost exclusively in the extracellular volume of a patient, and is therefore part of the ECW.
Greek olene = ulna, and kranion = upper part of head; hence, the upper end of the ulna.
Adjective, Latin olfacto = smell.
Inflammation of up to four joints; if more joints are involved, then the disease is called poly, arthritis.
Latin oliva - the oval fruit of the olive tree; oval eminence on medulla oblongata; adjective - olivary.
Latin = apron; adjective - omental.
Greek omos = shoulder; hence, a muscle attached to the scapula and hyoid.
An agent that promotes neoplastic cell growth, or cancer.
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The development and growth of cancer.
A physician who specializes in the treatment of cancer.
The study and treatment of cancer.
A licensed massage therapist who has taken continuing education courses in treatment techniques that are appropriate for the comfort and wellbeing of cancer patients. Unless the therapist has also taken specialized training in the treatment of lymphedema, he or she is not qualified to treat patients with lymphedema.
Nail abnormality and discoloration seen in psoriasis and reactive arthritis; may be accompanied by pitting of the nail in psoriasis.
A drug trial which is not randomized and not blinded; both participants and investigators know what drug is being tested and what dosages are being used.
Latin = lid or cover; hence, operculum insulae, the cerebral cortex covering and hiding the insula (the 5th lobe of cerebral cortex).
Adjective, Greek ophthalmos = eye.
A class of drugs (e.g., heroin, codeine, methadone) that are derived from the opium poppy or produced synthetically and have opium-like effects. Opiate drugs relieve pain, dull the senses, and induce sleep.
Latin = placing against, opposing.
An illness or infection that does not normally occur in a person with a healthy immune system, but affects immunocompromised persons.
An illness or infection that does not normally occur in a person with a healthy immune system, but affects immunocompromised persons.
Latin oppositum = put against; hence, to resist or place in contact with, and opposition - the action of opposing.
Adjective, Greek optos = seen; hence, pertaining to sight.
Latin ora = margin or edge.
Latin ora = margin, and serra = saw; hence, the serrated anterior edge of the functional part of the retina.
Relating to the mouth; taken by mouth.
A two-part test that first measures blood glucose levels after an overnight fast, and then two hours after consumption of a sugary solution; sometimes used in conjunction with fasting plasma glucose test (see Diabetes).
Latin orbis = circle; the name given to the bony socket in which the eyeball rotates; adjective - orbital.
Food that is grown naturally without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or other artificial intervention.
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The predilection of a fungus to invade a particular organ.
Latin orificium = opening.
Latin os = mouth; plural - ora, adjective - oral.
Latin os = bone; plural - ossa, adjective - osseous.
A childhood condition of the site of attachment of the patellar (kneecap) tendon into the tibial tubercle, a bony prominence an inch or so below the kneecap. Results in localized pain and tenderness that can sometimes be confused with enthesitis at this site seen in some children with juvenile AS and related diseases.
Latin ossiculus, diminutive of os = bone.
Latin os = bone, and facio = make; hence, to form bone; and ossification, the process of bone formation.
Increased bone density (sclerosis) at the sacral side of the sacroiliac joint that is of unknown cause and is usually without symptoms. Its X-ray appearance can be confused with sacroiliitis.
Degenerative joint disease.
Degenerative disorder of joints, most often from disease in the spine and in the weight bearing joints (knees and hips). Normally seen with aging, but can occur prematurely due to various reasons, for instance after an injury to a joint. Also known as degenerative joint disease, it can cause joint pain, loss of function, reduced joint motion, and deformity.
Bone-forming cells (see Osteoporosis).
Bone-removing cells (see Osteoporosis).
Osteoblasts that have completed their bone-forming function and have become trapped in new bone tissue, evolving into structural bone cells (see Osteoporosis).
Greek osteon = bone, and logy = a field of study.
Bone-thinning disorder resulting from deficiency of vitamin D. Can be mistaken for osteoporosis, and can also be confused with spondylitis. The childhood form of osteomalacia is called rickets.
The basic units of compact bone, consisting of tightly packed concentric rings of tissue with a blood vessel running through the central channel (see Osteoporosis).
Bony outgrowth (seen on X-ray) at joint margin of an osteoarthritic joint, or in degenerative disc disease.
A bone-thinning condition that can result in bone fracture (see Menopause, Osteoporosis).
Latin = a door, an opening, an orifice.
See over-the-counter.
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Adjective, Greek otos = ear.
Greek otos = ear, and lithos = stone; hence, calcareous particles in the utricle and saccule of the membranous labyrinth.
Latin ovum = egg; hence, the organ containing ova (the largest cells in the female).
Drugs that are available without a prescription.
Frequent urination and urges to urinate; a popular name for detrusor instability (see Urinary Incontinence).
A body mass index of 25 to 29.9 (See Weight Management).
Latin = egg, plural - ova.
A process in which oxygen combines with a substance, altering its structure and changing or destroying its normal function (see High Cholesterol).
Increased levels of free radicals in the body, potentially leading to cell damage and death.
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