Medical Dictionary
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An alphabetical listing of General terms and items. |
UFV (Ultrafiltration volume) of the dialysis patient represents the amount of fluid removed in a dialysis session.
A sore on the skin surface or on the inside lining of a body part, such as the mouth or stomach.
An inflammatory disease of the inner lining of the gut that usually involves the colon or rectum. (See also inflammatory bowel disease).
Latin = elbow or arm; hence, the medial bone of the forearm.
Undetectable HCV RNA at Week 2 of treatment.
A method of visualizing the internal parts of the body, or a fetus within the uterus, using sound waves.
Latin = the navel.
Latin = the boss on the centre of a shield, umbo of tympanic membrane.
See blinding.
Latin uncinatus = hooked.
A clinical trial in which all participants receive the experimental treatment and none receive a standard treatment or placebo for comparison.
Latin = hook; adjective - uncinate.
A term used to describe a viral load (amount of viral RNA) that is below the level of detection of the test being used.
Pertaining to Latin unguis = finger-nail.
A statistical analysis that takes into account a single factor or variable.
Techniques used by health-care providers (e.g., use of gloves and face masks, proper disposal of used syringes) to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.
Estrogen taken without an accompanying progestogen (see Menopause).
A non-profit organization that runs the Organ Procurement and Transplant Network which oversees the fair distribution of organs for transplantation.
Fatty acids in which some of the hydrogen atoms in each molecule have been replaced by double bonds; includes monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (see High Cholesterol).
Greek ouron = urine, and echein = to hold, hence the canal connecting the bladder and umbilicus in the foetus.
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Greek oureter = passage from kidney to bladder.
The two tubes that connect the kidneys to the bladder (see Urinary Incontinence).
Greek ourethra = passage from bladder to exterior.
Movement of the urethra out of place when abdominal pressure increases, leading to stress incontinence (see Urinary Incontinence).
An inflammatory condition of the urethra (the tube through which the urine travels from the bladder to the outside during urination).
A type of incontinence in which a person feels a sudden and uncontrollable need to urinate or defecate (see Urinary Incontinence).
A bile acid derived from bears that is being studied as a treatment for HCV.
An itchy rash of usually short duration (see Allergies).
Latin = womb.
Diminutive of Latin uterus = womb.
Latin uva = grape. The pigmented vascular layer of the eyeball (iris, ciliary body and choroid).
Diminutive of Latin uva = grape.
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