Logistics Application (LO)
Allows you to assign employees to the company's organizational units and structures during the hiring process, as well as maintain all employee personal data, such as, salary, address, etc... through out the employee's life cycle at the company.
Insert the complete Information of material
- Define the Vendors with their Complete Information
- Organize the Purchasing process for the Materials
- Control the materials between the high and low permissible levels
- Define the expiry Date for each material according the purchasing invoice
- Possibility to evaluate the stock of material according the average or fixed price
- Define more than one warehouse for one company
- Possibility to transfer the material internal or external between the warehouses
- Possibility to arrange the material inside the warehouse according the physical dividing
- Possibility to return the materials to the store after issue and define the reason
- Possibility to destroy the material for prematurely defined reason
- Possibility to print codes for each material according its specification
- Possibility to inventory the complete warehouse or just one Material...
LO - Material Information
Import Materials Master Data: This option allows you to insert all material information which saved in excel sheet easily.
- Add Material: Allows the user to define all information related the material (selling & purchase price, unite, Max, Min Stock...).
- Modify Material: Allows the user to modify all information related the Material.
- Display Material: Allows user to preview the added material to check the information related each material.
- Define Batch Number: Allows user to create a Batch number for each material and use this number in purchase and sales process, this batch number used to mark the process of the sales and purchase material.
- Define Material Account: Allows the user to define the assign the material class to the certain account in the chart of account.
LO - Vendor Information
Allows the user to define the vendors (insert all information about these vendors) whose dealing with them to use it in purchase processes and modify these information,
- Add Vendor Information: Allows the user to define all information related the Vendor (General Information, Account, Terms of payment...) whose dealing with him to delivery the material.
- Modify vendors: Allows the user to modify all information related the vendors.
- Display Vendors: To preview the all information related the selected vendor.
LO - Procurement
This sub-application allows the user to prepare the purchasing procedures beginning the send RFQ to the vendors up to receive the vendor's quotations as below:
- RFQ (Request for Quotation): Allows user to create Request for Quotation concerning the required materials and send it to one or more from the registered vendors in the system just by select him from the vendors list.
- RFQ for Unknown Vendors: Allows user to create Request for Quotation concerning the required materials and send it to any vendor not registered vendors in the system just by insert his information in the RFQ.
- Add vendor Quotations: Allows the user to import the vendor quotation to the system.
- Maintain Vendors Quotations: allows the user to maintain the vendor quotation depend to the received new one from the vendor.
LO - Purchasing
This sub-application to continue getting the goods by creating the purchase order up to receive the materials in the warehouse and even return the materials to the vendors for any reasons.
- PO (Purchase Order): Allows the user to create the purchase order for the vendors depending on his quotations.
- Good Receiving: Allows the user to receive the material in the warehouse when the vendor delivers it and create receive voucher.
- Maintain Good Receiving: Allows the user to maintain the good receiving voucher for any reasons.
- Good Receiving Details: To preview all information related for the selected good receiving.
- Good Returns: Allows the user to create good return voucher for the material to return it back to the vendors for any reasons Ex: expiry or damaged.
- Good Returns Details: To preview the information concerning the selected the good return voucher.
LO - Inventory
- Auto Beginning Inventory: Allows the user to import the material stock from the excel sheet for one warehouse or for all.
- Manual Beginning Inventory: Allows the user to define the beginning inventory manual by material for each warehouse separately.
- Stock Inventory: To get full information about the beginning stock.
LO - Material Movements
1- Material Transfer:
Internal Transfer: Allows the user to move (transfer) the material form its location to another one in same warehouse.
- Display Internal Transfer: Allows the user to preview all internal transfer processes.
- External Transfer: Allows the user to move (transfer) the material form warehouse to another one.
- Display External Transfer: Allows the user to preview all external transfer Processes.
- Cancel External Transfer: Allows user to cancel the external transfer of the material between the warehouses.
2- Material Issue:
- Add Goods Issue: Allows user to create the Goods Issue from the warehouse to the customer.
- Add Goods to store: Allows user to create the Goods Issue from the warehouse to the store.
- Display Goods Issue: Allows user to preview the material Issue processes of the goods
3- Material Issue Return:
- Add Goods Issue Return: This feature allows returning back the material which Issued to the customer for customize reason can define in IMG (Implementation Guide).
- Display Goods Issue Return: Allows the user to preview all material Issue return processes.
4- Material Transfer Confirm:
- Add Goods Transfer Confirm: Allows user to receive the stock of material which transferred from another warehouse to update the stock.
- Goods Transfer Refuse: Allows user to refuse receive the material which transferred from another warehouse.
- Goods Return Confirm: Allows user to re-receive the stock which transferred to another library but refuse there and not receive.
5- Destroy Material:
- Destroy Material: Allows user to destroy the damaged or expired material to remove it from the stock that can't use it.
- Display Destroy Material: Allow user to preview all destroy material processes.
LO - Warehouse Management
This sub-application allows the user to manage and check the information material and stock for all warehouses in the company.
- Warehouse management: Allows the user to manage and check the information material and stock for all warehouses in one screen.
- The GRN Approval: This option allows the administrator to approve any pending Good Receipt for any reason and check the information about all good receipt processes.
LO - Stock Information
This Option allows the user to get real information about the stock of the material in the company through the following parameter:
- Warehouse management: Allows the user to manage and check the information material and stock for all warehouses in one screen.
- The GRN Approval: This option allows the administrator to approve any pending Good Receipt for any reason and check the information about all good receipt processes.