NSD has several layers. The Basis System is the heart of the data operations and should be not evident to higher level or managerial users. Other customizing and implementation tools exist also. The heart of the system from a manager’s viewpoint is the application modules. These modules may not all be implemented in a typical company but they are all related "integrated" and are listed below:
HR Human Resources including the Payroll
LO Logistics including (Materials and Warehouses Management)
SD Sales and Distribution including point of sale
FI Financial Accounting including Asset Management
PD Production Management
PRM Project Management
Library Management System (LMS)
The Library Management System (LMS) is completely integrated with other applications in the NSD BCS and you can also run it as a standalone system .It allows you to control and manage all processes related to purchasing, borrowing and selling the books, stationerY...
The key elements are:
- LMS allows the users to define the borrowers with their complete information and modify it.
- To define the authors with their complete information and modify it.
- Insert the complete information related to the material (Books structure, min and max stock, barcode, issue date, author, publish company...) and modify them
- Define more than one library (branch) for one company.
- Transfer the material internally or externally between the libraries.
- Arrange the material inside the library according to physical dividing.
- Allows users to return the material purchased to the vendor after defining the reasons.
- Destroy the material for the premature reason.
- Define point of sale that allows users to do all processes of sale and sale return or lend (issue material) and return the books from the borrowers.
- Special functionality for the library’s visitors that allows them to log on the software through this functionality and give them authority to search the material they need to read inside the library.
- Define many websites that can be opened through these links.
- All related reports..
NSD BCS – LMS – some details
LMS – Borrower Information
This functionality defines the borrower with their complete information or modifies it.
Define Borrower: Allows the user to define all information related the borrowers.
- Update Borrower: Allows the user to modify all information related the borrower.
LMS – Author information
This functionality allows users to define the authors with their complete information and modifies it.
Add Author Information: Allows the user to define all information related the author.
- Modify Author Information: Allows the user to modify all information related the author.
LMS – Material information
This functionality inserts the complete information related to the material (Books).
Define Materials: Allows the user to define all information related the Material (Books structure, min and max stock, barcode, issue date, author, publish company...)
- Modify Materials: Allows the user to modify all information related the Materials (Books).
- Display Materials: Allows the user to preview all information related the Materials (Books).
LMS – Material Movements
Beginning Inventory:
Add Beginning Inventory: Allows the user to define the beginning stock of the material (Books) which existing in the Library.
Material receipt:
Add Material Receipt: This transaction allows user to create the purchase invoices of the
material (books) from the author (vendor). In addition to manage the library stock through create this action.
Display Material Receipt: Allows user to preview the material receipts from the authors (vendors), there are many
criteria to choice for preview the receipt transaction.
Material Transfer:
Internal Transfer: Allows the user to move (transfer) the material from its location to another one in same library.
- Display Internal Transfer: Allows the user to preview all internal transfer processes.
- External Transfer: Allows the user to move (transfer) the material form library to another one.
- Display External Transfer: Allows the user to preview all external transfer processes.
- Cancel External Transfer: Allows user to cancel the external transfer of the books between the libraries.
Material Receipt Return:
Return Material Receipt: This feature allows returning the material (books) which purchased it to the vendor for customize reason can define in IMG.
- Display Return Material Receipt: Allows the user to preview all purchase return processes.
Books Transfer Confirm:
Confirm & Receive External Transfer: Allows user to receive the stock of material which transferred from another library to update the stock.
- Receive Refuse Transfer: Allows user to re-receive the stock which transferred to another library but refuse there and not receive.
Destroy Material:
Destroy Material: Allows user to destroy the damaged or expired material to remove it from the stock that can’t use it.
- Display Destroy Material: Allow user to preview all destroy material processes.
Material issues:This transaction allows user to issue the material (books) to borrower,
Material return: Through this transaction the user can return the books from the borrower
- Display All Materials: Allows the user to modify all information related the Materials (Books).
- Display All Materials by Place: Allows the user to preview all Materials by Place.
- Visitor: A Special functionality for the library’s visitors that allows them to log on the software through this functionality and give them authority to search the material they need to read inside the library.
LMS – Reports
This option allows user to get a quickly view about all processes done in the system in each functions and sub-functions.
There are a lot of reports about the following functions:
Material Information: Allows the user to get full information about all material depending of a lot of parameters which can use it for filtering the results of the report
- Borrower Information: Allows the user to get full information about all borrowers depending of a lot of parameters
- Author Information: Allows the user to get full information about all authors depending of a lot of parameters.
- Material Movement Information: Allows the user to get full details about all material movement depending on the type of the movement (Receive & Return Materials, Internal & External Transfer, Destroy material).
- Material Stock Information: Allow the user to get real information about the real stock of material by the many levels (By Library, By Storage Location, By Storage Bin, and By Material).
- Other Report: Visitor Report allows user to get information about visitors.